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Download Anton Drake - Poker Isometrics : And Poker Fitness TXT, DJV, DOC


Let's face it. Poker is one of the most high-energy and exciting games in the world, but you play it parked on your rear-end. We've all experienced the long grind of sitting at a casino poker table or in front of a computer for dozens of hours-and we've all wondered: "How can I possibly play poker all the time still stay fit and healthy?" The irony is that while poker demands high levels of mental energy, it requires virtually no physical energy or exertion. Even a long, grueling poker tournament gives you far less exercise than playing a single round of golf. Not only that, but constantly holding back your body's "Fight or Flight" response to risk and uncertainty can fill your blood with dangerous levels of stress hormones. Stressed out, emotionally upset, unhealthy, and fatigued, players can struggle to think and play well. The REAL secret about TILT is that the emotional responses that lead to it are physical reactions, not mental ones; physical reactions that can't be controlled by simply changing how you think. You need to be able to work your body and to burn off extra energy and stress while you play: Poker Isometrics. In this book, you'll be exposed to closely guarded concepts and techniques of isometric fitness and muscle control which will blow your mind. Anton Drake, a yoga and martial arts expert with more than 20 years of experience, gives you a simple yet detailed guide on how to covertly turn poker sessions into isometric fat-burning and muscle-building workbenches, where your body will be transformed into a powerhouse of lean muscular energy. Learn how to secretly, safely and invisibly use isometrics at the poker table Get super-strong and have a lean, athletic, buff body Learn to beat the monster of Tilt... or at least give it a good fight Reduce stress, and lower your risk of heart attack Conceal and control your tells with brutal precision Live longer, play more, and WIN more Strengthen your joints, sharpen your mental focus, and improve your sex life Develop muscle control, and a deeper awareness of your body Eat healthier, even at the casino, and learn to use supplements This book is designed as a super-fast learning tool for the Internet Generation; it's packedwith secrets, insights and techniques that are ready to plug and play. The path to masteryof real isometrics is mapped out for you with innovative diagrams and pictures; and thecrystal-clear explanations will quickly teach you the fine points of good technique-so you'll start getting stronger from Day One. Poker isometrics will show you how to use isometrics with maximum effectiveness while playing poker-whether at the casino or at your desk., Poker Isometrics is an amazingly effective system of exercise that is designed to combat one of the biggest health dangers in the modern world, the relentlessly sedentary lifestyle that so many of us find ourselves locked into on a daily basis. Poker Isometrics can be defined as the art of using isometrics discretely during periods of extended sedentary sitting or physical inactivity. It was developed in the grinding world of professional and semi-professional poker, where players often have to sit six, twelve or even eighteen hours at a time with tremendous patience and emotional control in order to compete effectively in lucrative tournaments and cash games. In poker, there is always a premium on the concealment of one's thoughts and intentions during the play of a hand--the classic common clich'f the "poker face"--and this ultracool mindset is at the heart of the modern game. The ability to manage stress, even under tremendous pressure, and to be able to think and reason clearly under the gun is a big part of live poker in casinos everywhere, and it is from this underworld of the savvy poker predator that the techniques of Poker Isometrics have emerged. Poker Isometrics is a highly practical system of using isometrics covertly, forged in the crucible of competitive tournament poker, which can allow anyone, anywhere, to effectively use isometrics for fitness, weight loss, strength building, muscle control and stress reduction, whether they are playing a game, driving long distance, flying, laid up with an injury, watching TV, or sitting long hours at a desk. An increasing mountain of scientific evidence suggests that inactivity and the sedentary lifestyle may prove to be more dangerous to our collective health in the long run than smoking and overeating combined. This book is a contribution to the literature regarding the issue, and offers a serious solution to this slow-creeping and devastating problem, which to some degree afflicts every adult who is obliged to sit for countless hours, day after day, in order to work and survive in the information age. Poker Isometrics draws from the isometric practices and techniques of yoga, American wrestling and the martial arts, synthesizing them into an incredibly effective system. This highly detailed book reveals remarkable secrets about the practice of isometrics, and explains how to generate real power and intense fat-burning energy from the inside out, and how to engage and control them most effectively, building and mastering your kinesthetic control. It teaches clearly, through detailed photographs and illustrations, the positions and subtle tricks and adjustments that allow one to truly "feel the burn" of intense muscular activity, quickly and easily, and without having to move around at all. Many people have reported that the techniques in this book have allowed them to get, literally, the most efficient leg, butt and upper body workouts they have ever experienced, all while sitting in a chair at work or sitting in a car or airplane. Poker Isometrics teaches you how to use your body's natural "fight or flight" response to burn fat and energize your muscles, rather than letting it soak into your body uselessly, increasing sedentary stress, inflammation, and obesity. This book contains many innovative isometric techniques and a wealth of insight into the deep application of isometrics, which will be of benefit to both the beginner and the advanced practitioner. It also includes comprehensive chapters on diet, nutrition and nutritional supplements, including cutting edge supplements for the health of the heart, the brain, the digestive system and the sex organs. We invite you to take the Poker Isometrics challenge, and see how far you can expand your knowledge of isometrics and applied physical fitness.The Kindle version of this book includes a fully linked table of contents, and is optimized for all Kindle platforms., Poker Isometrics: The art of applying isometrics to the game of poker in order to get fit, build muscle, lower stress levels, get sexier, stay off tilt, conceal your tells, oxygenate your brain, think clearly and play your best. Let's face it. Poker may be the most high-energy and exciting game in the world, but the reality is that you play it sitting on your butt. We've all spent dozens of hours at a time sitting at casino poker tables or in front of computer screens-and we've all wondered: "In the long run, is it even possible to play poker every day and still be fit and healthy?" The truth is that while poker demands high levels of mental energy, it requires virtually no physical energy or exertion. Even the longest, toughest poker tournament gives you far less exercise than playing a single round of golf. Meanwhile, suppressing and holding back your body's "Fight or Flight" responses to risk and frustration can fill your blood with damaging stress hormones. Stressed out, tense, emotionally upset, frustrated and Tilted, players can struggle to think and play well. The REAL secret about Tilt is that the emotional responses that cause it are visceral, hormonal, physical reactions: physical reactions not easily controlled by merely changing your thoughts. To truly overcome Tilt, you must find a way to unleash your body and burn off stress and aggression while you play: Poker Isometrics. This book reveals hidden secrets and techniques of isometric muscle control and power, which will energize, strengthen and awaken your body. Anton Drake, a yoga expert and martial artist with more than 25 years experience, explains step by step how to covertly turn your poker sessions into isometric fat-burning and muscle-building workbenches, where your body will be transformed into a powerhouse of lean muscular energy. Learn how to use isometrics covertly and effectively at the poker table. Get super-strong, quickly, and build a lean, sexy, buff body. Learn to beat the monster of Tilt... or at least give it a good fight for a change. Reduce stress hormones, heat up your sex life, and lower your risk of heart attack. Conceal and control your poker tells with brutal precision. Get more oxygen to your brain, sharpen your mental focus, live longer, and win more. Develop your internal muscle control, and a deeper awareness of your body. Bonus Also includes the Simple Poker Diet. Eat leaner and healthier, even at the casino. Features a dynamite 17 page section on using energy supplements for total health. This book is a super-fast learning tool, designed to deliver instant results; it's packed with secrets, insights and techniques that are ready to plug and play. The path to mastering real isometrics is mapped out for you with innovative diagrams, pictures and crystal-clear explanations that will quickly teach you expert level isometric technique-so you'll start getting stronger from Day One. Poker isometrics will show you how to use isometrics with maximum effectiveness while playing poker-whether at the casino or at your desk. With more than 170 high quality photographs and illustrations, using innovative graphics techniques to show you exactly how to master isometrics NOW.

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