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Book John L. Hoogland - Wildlife Behavior and Ecology: The Black-Tailed Prairie Dog : Social Life of a Burrowing Mammal TXT, FB2, PDF


InThe Black-Tailed Prairie Dog, John L. Hoogland draws on sixteen years of research at Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, in the United States to provide this account of prairie dog social behavior. Through comparisons with more than 300 other animal species, he offers new insights into basic theory in behavioral ecology and sociobiology. Hoogland documents interactions within and among families of prairie dogs to examine the advantages and disadvantages of coloniality. By addressing such topics as male and female reproductive success, inbreeding, kin recognition, and infanticide, Hoogland offers a broad view of conflict and cooperation. Among his surprising findings is that prairie dog females sometimes suckle, and at other times kill, the offspring of close kin. Enhanced by more than 100 photographs, this book illuminates the social organization of a burrowing mammal and raises fundamental questions about current theory. As the most detailed long-term study of any social rodent,The Black-Tailed Prairie Dogwill interest not only mammalogists and other vertebrate biologists, but also students of behavioral and evolutionary ecology., John L. Hoogland draws on 16 years of research at Wind Cave Na tional Park, South Dakota, in the United States, to provide this account of prairie dog social behaviour. Through comparisons with more than 300 other animal species, he offers new insights into basic theory in behavioural ecology and sociobiology.

John L. Hoogland - Wildlife Behavior and Ecology: The Black-Tailed Prairie Dog : Social Life of a Burrowing Mammal in FB2, TXT

R. R. Palmer's introduction illuminates the original documents, which are here translated for the first time.Essential reading for architects, designers and fans of contemporary Japanese culture.Downs House II presents an original and comprehensive overview of the home that local architect Barry Downs built for himself in West Vancouver.Her plays, "Blood: A Scientific Romance, The Josephine Knot, Potentilla," and "The Year of Falling Down" have won numerous awards, including the Gwen Pharis Ringwood Award for Drama, the Alberta Playwriting Competition, the Playwrights Guild of Canada's Post-Secondary Playwriting Competition, Best of Victoria Fringe, a Victoria Critic's Choice Award, and Intrepid Theatre's Petri Dish Play competition.Though it may seem a self-evident feature of the Arts & Crafts style, bungalow bathrooms are truly artistic endeavors.It details the strengths and weaknesses of incorporating big data analysis into decision-making and explains how to leverage the strengths while mitigating the weaknesses.The New Autonomous House has a simple but revolutionary message: It is possible to live in an inexpensive house that is kind to the planet and liberates its owner from utility bills.Both the Qur'an and sayings of the Prophet (Hadiths) state the importance of learning them and promise reward for reciting them in supplications and prayers.This beautiful presentation of "The 99 Blessed Names of Allah "draws the reader nearer to the Divine through contemplation and reflection of Allah's names, their meaning and how each impacts our daily lives.I particularly liked the way it followed through into Key Stage 1' - Who Minds 'An important contribution to difficult work' - Elizabeth Quintero, The Steinhardt School of Education, New York University This fully updated Second Edition of 'Learning in the Early Years 3-7' has been written to support early years practitioners understand and implement the new curriculum guidance document 'The Early Years Foundation Stage' (DfES, 2007).